Black Mold on Wood
Email to Steve Tvedten

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I saw information on your product while browsing the web for defenses and clean-up for a mold problem we are experiencing in a basement warehouse area where we store costumes. As these garments are extremely valuable for our use, we would like to preserve them in a mold free environment. Right now the mold is attacking the wooden braces of the clothing racks . We have a dehumidifier which runs 5 days per week. Is there more that we can do?

Can you tell me if your Kleen-Kill product, once applied, will continue its action or is it something that we will have to continue applying?

Thank you in advance for any advice you can give me.


Creta Pullen, wardrobe supervisor
Steve Silver's Beach Blanket Babylon
San Francisco, CA.


Kleen Kill Enzyme Cleaner will control the mold, but it may come back.  Washing the walls, wood, floors, etc. with a solution of 1 - 2 cups of (20 Mule Team) Borax in a gallon of hot water will probably be cheaper and more effective in the long run. Once the Borax soaks into the wood (wash/spray it to the point of run-off three times and let it dry each time before respraying) - the wood will never become infested with insects, mold, fungus, or mildew and you get an additional benefit the wood/material becomes fire-resistant. That is how they have protected cellulose insulation for many years. Be careful not to eat/ingest Borax it is toxic.  Be careful not to spray plants as they will also die.  People do however, wash their baby diapers and other clothing in Borax.

Best Regards, Steve.

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