Spider Mites

Emails to Steve Tvedten

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Help! Spider mites destroying neighbor's tree, he wants to use pesticide.  Any help you can give me (ASAP) regarding the above situation would be gratefully appreciated. I live in the East Bay area of northern CA, in San Leandro. It is next to Oakland, and Berkeley. Thanks. 
Be Well, 


Dear Leonard - If they spray insecticides to "control" spider mites - they will have an increase in spider mites.  If they wash the trees with 1 quart of Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint Cleaner per 500 gallons of water per acre, the spider mites will not be a problem.  But, I must tell you it is "illegal" to actually control insects/mites in California - especially if you do not use a "registered" poison.  Enzyme Cleaner with Peppermint is not sold as a pesticide.  I have used this ratio to safely remove spider mites in groves in Florida.  Check out my free book "The Bug Stops Here"

 Have a great day,  Steve.


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