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Email to Steve Tvedten

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SuzzyQ4u wrote:

I was hoping this is the right address.
I wanted to ask you a people that own and run pest control companies have insurance?
What happens if someone comes into the home and ruins stuff? Would they have insurance?
pray for me, I have a mess here because of what some others have done, and the lack of their word. I am looking for answers to prayer.... I am looking forward to your reply.
Thank you.


Dear Suzzy - It is my understanding that you can not commercially apply pesticide poisons in any state without a license and insurance.  Ask your State Deparment of Agriculture ( Some States call it the Department of Pesticide Regulation or something else, if you can not find anyone - call the EPA and ask them who you should contact in your State) to come and inspect your home - do not let them wait for weeks.  If you have really been harmed you might wish to call the National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides (NCAMP) @ 202-543-5450 and ask them for help/advise. I have said a prayer for you too!  Get well!  Steve.

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