Arizona Parent Comments on Efforts for School IPM Programs


Nice job you've done here. I've attempted to inform schools about using alternatives to pesticides and herbicides. Most commomly used here are permethrin, cypermethrin, Maxbait and Round-Up. The ground control has no control over the situation or any idea that Round-Up is toxic for that matter. The head of the department refuses to discuss the issue.Although there is a law that requires notice and info is posted, most parents aren't aware of the regular monthly use, that the district officals claim as a state law, which is incorrect. There is no such law. I have several schools with teachers that are trying to grow an organic garden for science projects. They have no impact on ground control or district officials in supporting their mission and in fact when the district is informed about the plan of the garden, they send out ground control to apply Round-Up to the area so that the teachers don't have to work so hard to remove the weeds. I've offered to give workshops on organic gardening and pesticide free schools.They are not receptive. Any ideas, suggestions and other information is greatly appritiated.

Thank you,Beth Cervantes
EnviroHealth Chair,AZ PTA


Dear Beth - I have added you to my newsletter e-mail list.  I have often said it is like watching lemmings running to the sea----------- how can we stop them from killing themselves and us? There are no easy answers.  Keep on - keep on - and then keep on them some more.  They can not avoid the truth forever.  I have removed all of the pests inside and outside in over 350 schools without ever using any volatile pesticide poisons.Even when people hear that there are no pest problems ----- they want poisons sprayed again, "just to be sure....."  We had schools that sprayed different poisons every week for over 17 years and never got control of the pest.  We removed the "pest" in days with safe alternatives, I have often joked with these people that I would have begun to wonder if their poisons were "working" in about the 15th year.  But, they sure do not get the point - especially while they are spraying - probably because the poisons are intoxicating them.  In Ohio less than 50% of the kids could pass their proficiency tests.....when we removed the pesticide poisons in our schools, the kids all passed.  What more can I say..... Keep on,  PLEASE KEEP ON!  Have a great day!  Steve.

Note:  This entire program is currently available to any school district.  Over 350 schools are now successfully using this program.

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For further information please contact:

Linda L. Jensen-Pascarella
Safe 2 Use
(909) 372-9850
Steve Tvedten
Get Set, Inc.
(616) 677-2850

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