Message to Pest Control Professionals from Stephen Tvedten
Attention Pest Management Professionals, Pest Control Operators and all interested IPM advocates.
You could purchase and/or read thousands of pest control books, manuals, articles and research papers and work 35 years personally controlling the various pest problems and still not have all of the information contained in the over 1,700 page IPM manual entitled: THE BEST CONTROL II cd-rom - or you could simply purchase THE BEST CONTROL II for only $149.95 and have it all.
THE BEST CONTROL II cd-rom is the Stephen L. Tvedten's latest IPM manual that instantly provides you with an entire toolbox of many hundreds of safe and far more effective and economical alternatives. If you use THE BEST CONTROL II cd-rom while you are on the internet; you will have literally tens of thousands of pages of additional information and products at your command. The clickable urls contained in THE BEST CONTROL II guarantee you will always have the very latest product information. THE BEST CONTROL II cd-rom is an Adobe® ebook and will actually read itself for you if you so wish.
In addition to this massive work on Intelligent Pest Management (R) you will also receive the following:
All interested professionals will be included in our various lists of IPM practitioners who understand the use of non-toxic means of pest control. We receive calls and emails daily on who we recommend the public can use to safely do their work.
The first professional that purchases THE BEST CONTROL II will automatically be advertised (if you wish) as the local Distributor of Safe Solutions, Inc. products and be included on our various sites as the local source for their FDA approved Lice R Gone (R) and all their other alternative products. We currently have over 10,000 pages posted on the internet that are visited over 5,000 times per day - as we all gather momentum, these numbers will do nothing but increase.
You will be given the opportunity to renew your various listings each subsequent year for a nominal fee.
You can consult directly with Steve on the phone.
You will (if you wish) receive Steve's daily emails regarding pest control issues throughout the world.
You can hire Steve to train your people or assist you as you develope sales of IPM products and services.