The Ideal Pesticide
written by Steve Tvedten
Safe, Non-Toxic approach to Pest Management

The 5th Edition of Truman's Scientific Guide to Pest Control Operations described "The Ideal Pesticide".  "Ideally any pesticide will act rapidly on pests, yet be completely harmless to people, domestic animals, wildlife, and other aspects of the environment.  Its residues would only last as long as was necessary to create the desired effect, usually for very short periods. It would also be inexpensive and readily available in necessary quantities, chemically stable (before application), non-flammable, and otherwise safe to use around homes or industrial sites.  It would be easily prepared and applied, non-corrosive and non-staining, and it would have no undesirable odor.  Unfortunately, no such (synthetic) pesticide exists."  Purdue University and Advanstar Communications (Pest Control Magazine) worked on this 1997 Pest Control Manual, but they were, obviously, still unaware I had begun patenting and using and field testing the ideal or perfect (pesticide) or PestisafeŽ based on natural pest control. 

 In addition to being on the (perfect or ideal pesticide poison descriptive) list, enzyme and surfactant products, e.g., Lice R GoneŽ, will never create any pest resistance problems and is truly the "perfect or ideal pesticide" as the entire compound contains only ingredients that are considered to be food-grade or non-toxic or GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) and all of these ingredients are active only as long as they are liquid and can be used virtually everywhere, even when people are sick, under 1, over 60, pregnant and/or chemically sensitive to control even pesticide-resistant pests.  Most insects die in about 6 seconds; ticks take about 2 minutes to be safely and effectively destroyed.  In addition this patented process of using enzymes and surfactants to control pest problems  can be diluted/applied in such a way that only the pest species are killed leaving the beneficial species alive! 

Part of the science behind the invention and/or patented process is that maggots produce enzymes to help soften up their food so they can eat it. Insectivore plants produce and also use protease enzymes to digest their insect prey.  Spiders and scorpions produce and inject protease enzymes to predigest their prey and all molting insects produce a small amount of protease enzyme to serve as a chemical "zipper" so they can split open the back of their exoskeletons when they molt and emerge in order to increase their size.  Without this protease enzyme all molting insects would be trapped inside their own exoskeletons and be crushed to death by their own growth.  Therefore, there is no possibility that any insect or arachnid pests can ever develop a resistance to my Australian and USA patented process with 77 approved claims of using enzymes/surfactants to control pest problems

Every day I receive many letters and/or emails asking me how to safely control a particular pest problem without killing or harming the pets and the people.  Rather than trying to answer them all individually, I have posted a lot of free pest control alternatives and other relevant information on the website located at: . There is a free 86 page booklet on how to control most pest problems without using any pesticide POISONS entitled: THE BUG STOPS HERE.  There is a free chapter on Lice/Scabies, a chapter on Mosquitoes and a section on fire ants from my IPM manual/encyclopedia entitled: THE BEST CONTROL II.  All of these copyrighted items are free for you to simply read and/or download.  All that I ask is that you note where you got this information.

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