Pesticide Poisoning
(we don't make this up - each story is true)
We pray that each story will be the last.  However, until the pesticides and chemicals are removed from our environment, the stories will continue.  If you see yourself or someone you love in these stories, please get medical attention.  If you have a story to add, please let us know.
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Articles on the Damage from Pesticides

New Plymouth, New Zealand
Dow Chemical Agent Orange dump - then they built homes
Deputy Sheriff
Sprayed with Ethion - 10 years of suffering prior to his death
Death of a Child
(lice treatment Nix)
Children of Padre Village - India
25 years of spraying endosulphan - mental defects and terrible deformities
Death by Lindane
Trace amounts of lindane cause of child's death
NDRC Letter on Malathion
Pramitol - Total Kill
Supreme Court ignores pesticide poisoning victim
20 Year old mystery of "mass hysteria" officials refuse to investigate
Government researchers expose soldier.

Florida Homes Drenched
300 gallons of pesticide Fenthion accidentally dumped

Chinese Chalk
Illegal imported pesticide injuries child
Dursban in School
Ill children leads parents to identify poisoning
Glyphosate (Roundup)
Calves born without eyes. Cancer level in residents raised.
Organic Wine Owner poisoned
Methyl Bromide used in neighboring vineyard driftes
Spraying for mosquitoes permanently changes a woman's life.
Airline engine oil containing pesticide sickens flight crews
CCA Treated Wood
High levels of arsenic found in playground.
Pesticides and Farmworkers
Blood Testing Ordered
  Contaminated 245T
Over 50 deaths, birth defects and cancers.
Sheep Farmers sue chemical companies for sheep dip poisonings
Australian Gov't herbicide program kills and injures
Government spraying sickens hundreds
Field Workers and Child
Exposure to field fumigant Vapom
150,000 Gulf War Veterans
Exposure to pesticides linked to syndrome
500 Cotton Workers
Workers forced to spray pesticides without protection
Spain Poisoning Cover-up
 (1,000 Dead / 25,000 Injured from Organophates)
Residents of Globe, Az
 (DOW / US Forest Service sprayed "Agent Orange")
Dozens of County Workers Sickened
 (Landlord applies pesticides for spiders)
Workers Drink from Contaminated Steam
 (Farmer upstream used pesticides)
Chemical/Pesticide Delivery Man found dead
 (Died while delivering pesticides)
60 Years of Poisoning Mission, Texas
 (Deaths and illness claimed by residents)
Spraying OPs in UK
 (Poisoned residents fight back)
Spraying Dursban, Safrotin and Propetamphos at school
 (Poisoned employee sues)
 (Family well poisoned by strawberry field run off)
Spraying Glyosphate in New Zealand
Calves born without eyes
? ?
Auckland, New Zealand
 (Spraying Foray 48B sickens residents)
Children sickened by weed killer
 (Ottawa - despite precautions, children fall ill)
Mayan Children and Birth Defects
 (Mothers worked in pesticide laden fields)
Children of Viet Nam
Agent Orange children pay the price with lost lives
Aerial Spraying of Malathion
Surveyor doused has permanent health problems
Spraying of Malathion
Dozens of families become sick in Tennessee
 (A Civil Action true story this is not a movie)
Child Poisoned at School
(Exposed to:  Tempo, Demon, Diazinon, Empire and Dursban at the school)
Oakley Elementary Students
Teacher finds that flu and rashes caused by foggers
Mother and Son
 (Malathion sprayed on trees and woman in back yard)
Hard Working Senior
 (Aerial spraying of Malathion hits woman in face)
Another victim of Orkin
 (Monthly visits by Orkin ended dream of home and health)
6 yr. old - Fatal Asthma
 (Child dies after bathing pet in pyrethrin shampoo)

1990s Child Poisoned at School
(Few changes in pesticide policies in Ohio Schools )

Aerial Sprayer douses farmworkers
(More "unintentional/accidental" poisonings )
Researchers shocked by impact of pesticides on children in Yaqui Indian study
(comparison of children exposed to pesticides with normal population) 
A Farmer's Dream ends in disaster
(various agricultural pesticides)
Remarkable young woman's promise ended by pesticides
Tourists in Hawaii
Rental cars soaked with pesticides
Child faces life in pain and isolation after aerial spraying
(pesticides sprayed in field near home)
Woman dying from pesticide poisoning changes the lives of many
(pest control company spraying for fleas)
Pesticide Poisoning on a Massive scale
(dioxin release in small village)
Victim of Malathion Poisoning Makes a Difference Multiple Chemical Sensitivity - Seattle, WA  Lives are forever changed by pesticides.
Weed B Gone
(It's more than a herbicide)
Dursban TC for Termites
 leaves a man victimized and sick
Limited Licensed Psychologist's Health and Career Ended by Insecticide
Testicular Cancer
(is breast cancer here also)
Baby born without eyes
Anvil - New York
Woman Drenched by City Sprayer
 Student Exposure to Pesticides Fumitoxin - Child Dies, Siblings and Family Injured DuPont's Benlate
Babies born without eyes
Malformed Penis... information
(evidence from other research points toward pesticides and chemicals)
Penta on Telephone Pole
Young working Mother poisoned and her baby also pays a horrible
herbicide 2,4-D
Young cancer victim points to city's spraying policy

26 school children die in Peru
(milk mixed with pesticide residue)

Couple Killed by exterminators from Orkin Pest Control Ruth Berlin and son Jesse, victims of Malathion Spraying
Brain Damage Caused by Exposure to Lawn Pesticides
(Ingredient:  MCPA)
Mental Retardation blamed on Pesticides Orkin Pest Control - Another Family Ruined
Pesticide on trial with EPA Dursban - Scottsdale Arizona Family ruined Dursban - Texas father's health ruined
Metam Sodium Poisons Town of Earlimont, California NY City Mosquito Pesticide Sprayers
No training, no protection and told it was safe to spray
Woman is disabled after using head lice product
Metam Sodium Murders River and Poisons Town of Dunsmuir, California

DBCP - dibromochloropropane Nicaragua
22,000 Poisoned and the companies knew it was dangerous

Court says "pesticides are unavoidably unsafe" (huh???)
Seveso - Dioxin cloud 10 Most Dangerous Toxins in your Home Malathion
Hundreds evacuated and 120 hospitalized
Hundreds die and injured in Benin, Africa MCS an article by Don Paladin EPA won't prevent Malathion Use
Aerial Spraying of Pesticides
Many victims, few safeguards
Death and Injury in India
Workers exposed to Phorate
Crop dusters spray pesticides on homes
Aluminum Phosphide
Grandmother and Grandson die after handling
Methyl Bromide
5 dockworkers hospitalized after exposure
Ficam D
Family's health and home ruined by pest control company

And More....

In Harm's Way - Effect of Environmental Toxins on Children

Letters from People who have suffered the effects of pesticide poisoning What the Chemical Manufacturers are saying about the victims of their chemicals
News on Government and Pesticides

A Memorial to those we've lost to Pesticides

There are Always Alternatives

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Nontoxic Products Recommended by Steve Tvedten

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West / Central East
Safe 2 Use Safe Solutions, Inc.