Steve's Stuff
Site Map

Letters and Articles

Thoughts and Inspiration
Contributor to Pest Control Magazine's Great Debate on IPM - Sept. 2005  

Arrest Me

Are you a Rainbow Warrior?

Letters and Articles to the EPA / DPR Brownies with a Difference
Child Health and Pesticides Determination
Question to the EPA, FDA, DPR or DOA (is anyone listening?) Share the Dream
Pesticide Registration - No Guarantee of Safety Difference Makers
Steve on TV Heyerdahl: Morals, Not Money Will Save the Planet
Steve's Book - TBC Father's plea stuns Congress
Why We do This Making a Difference
Children Deserve ZERO EXPOSURE to Pesticides


Pest Management Letters Pledge of Allegiance
Health Care Without Harm The Invitation
MCS Under Siege

Why We do This

Sustainable Agriculture: It's A Matter of People About Steve Tvedten

The Cancer Racket

Obituary to Common Sense
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity I Am The Flag
Danger in the Schoolyard Why I Hate Thanksgiving
Trespassing toxins Does pesticide drift pose risks for home gardens? We Are One - Satellite Pictures of the destruction caused by the December 2004 tsunami

June 2009

Malaysia's New Straits Times Article on Steve


 Main Site Map - Letters to Steve

Earth Day, 2002: The Bug Stops Here posted for Free

Hillel Hazaken (the old and venerable one) used to teach: "Be like the disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace." But, Hillel is most famous for this saying: "If I am not for myself, who is for me, but if I am for my own self [only], what am I? And if not now, when?" 

The length of our life is less important than its depth.

Mary David Fisher

Nontoxic Products Recommended by Steve Tvedten

Now Available

West / Central East
Safe 2 Use Safe Solutions, Inc.